It is mid winter. There are no Guests, and little flying, but the Flyinn team does not rest for long. Read about Air Show attendance, and the excitement at Geordie Hill Station as the sheep strive to keep warm and fed….
AeroExpo, Sywell UK enjoyed sunshine and warmth which encouraged pilots and enthusiasts from afar. As well as meeting new people, we were visited by an unprecedented number of past guests which we thoroughly enjoyed. It made for a wonderful mix of especially when past guests can share their experiences first hand with those learning what Flyinn offers.
Once back at home base in New Zealand, we had barely settled in when the region received its largest single snow fall in living memory. Momentarily life came to a stand still – until the weather cleared. Then all farmers around could be seen launching rescue missions for their stock. At Geordie Hill the vintage and thankfully, reliable, CAT D4 bulldozer was the star and the evidence could be seen all over the valley. Here is a picture of one of the sheep rescue missions which took place. The beautiful sunshine belies the coldness – this day was -5’C at best.
EAA and Oshkosh June 29 – August 4. Flyinn Booth B2151. Please feel free to visit – we’d love to see you there. Also, please feel free to attend one of the following forums, to be presented by Matt McCaughan.
Tues 30 July. 8.30am. Mountain Flying New Zealand. Based on 30+ years experience, Matt shares his knowledge of the special skills and techniques required when flying
in mountainous terrain.
Friday 2 Aug. 10 am. Strip flying New Zealand. Matt describes the skills and techniques required to successfully operate from back-country strips, beaches, and unprepared areas.